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Wait Wait, Slow Down

dymond Phillips • Nov 06, 2017
As I've stated before, the last two and a half weeks I've been super sick. It honestly feels like my sickness came out of the sky blue! I'm the type of person that fights being sick. I don't believe in taking medicine for colds because I'd rather heal naturally. I don't know why, but for me, not taking medicine heals my body faster than if I do take them. At first I thought it was just a cold because I was having the "stat of a cold" symptoms. As time went on I began to fell so weak and drained. All I wanted to do was sleep, like I was taking five naps in one day. On top of that my body ached so bad, I felt like I had got hit by a train. My back, legs, chest and even head were sore for no reason.
After about three weeks of being sick I realized it wasn't a cold because I didn't have a cough, and my throat wasn't sore. I didn't even have a runny nose. So of course, I began to research all the symptoms I had. Please don't be like me and self diagnose yourself based off Google. If you aren't feeling well go to the doctor early. Anyways, I found that I had the symptoms of a head cold. So I figured in a couple days it would go away. But things got worse. I began to get the worse stomach pains. I had absolutely no appetite and was barely eating. On top of that I was so thirsty it was like I was drinking almost everything. I went thru a case of water and a case of green tea in two days. Thru all that I pushed thru because head colds only last anywhere from two days up to two weeks. I had things to do so I downplayed being sick. In my eyes, I didn't have time to be sick.
As the days went on my symptoms got worse and worse. Before I knew it, my body temperature began to change rapidly. Anybody who knows me knows I'm always cold, ALWAYS! I began to realize that I was either too hot or too cold it was no longer a in between. At night I would be freezing and my body would be hot as fire. I think what pushed me to the edge was at night I would wake up and I would be laying in the bed shaking because of how cold I was but yet I would be sweating. 
While my family was in town, I was talking to my mom about my symptoms and she began to panic. She wanted me to go to the doctor immediately. I really didn't want to because I wanted my body to just heal already. That same night I went to my friends house and I ended up dozing off. Before I feel asleep I was freezing, but everybody else was so hot. I ended up getting under the covers to warm up. When I woke up I was so hot it was ridiculous. My mom called me and told me to go to urgent care because anything could happen while I'm sleep. 
What I discovered was that I had a fever and so much more. Of course the doctor prescribed me meds and I had to take them. Three days later I woke up super dizzy and felt like my head was spinning. I went straight to my doctor that same day. Since then I've been back twice. Thank God, I'm finally better and back to feeling like myself. Being sick like that has changed my appetite, I can eat once mid day and I'm good. At first I was pissed that I was sick, I felt like it was the wrong time.I missed homecoming I only went to the tailgate and that was for about two hours. 
Now looking back I realized why I got sick. I'm always moving whether that be working on posts, schoolwork, running errands, or just life duties. From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep I'm always moving. If I have a gap in my day, even if it's like 20 minutes, I'll work on a new posts or think of ways to better my brand. Constantly moving isn't the way to live, you have to stop and breathe. Lately I've become obsessed with bettering my brand, and life so my brain is always working. You have to carve out time for you, you have to stop and enjoy where you are currently. I believe God made me sick just for that, to slow me down and to have me appreciate where I am. I hate that I missed two weeks of posting, but my health is very important and I didn't want to give posts that weren't of substance.
I hated being sick for two and a half weeks but I'm happy that I was. It taught me things and brought me even closer to God. On top of that being sick has changed the way I eat, the way I work myself, and even more. Moral of the story is take time for yourself. It's ok to stop and make sure you are ok. Don't be too focused on where you want to go that you don't appreciate how far you've already came! 
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