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Interview With Resilient Owner Of Dreamless Hair

dymond phillips • Mar 30, 2022

You must really have a passion for whatever you pursue for longevity!

Meet Shaneika, an ambitious CEO and millionaire in the making. Shaneika is the owner of Dreamless Hair, which is a hair extensions company that sells bundles, hair care, wigs, and more. Dreamless Hair is known for their quality products and excellent customer service. Shaneika started out wanted to work in law enforcement, but after having a bad experience with hair, decided to launch her own company. Since her childhood, she always had a passion for hair. She launched her company in 2015 at the age of 23, and has grew and expanded over the years. 

I connected with Shaneika in 2020 at the Bronner Bros Hair Show. One thing that stood out to me was how she remained a student, even after being in business for so long. I love how she was investing in her industry and craft. In today’s interview, Shaneika talks about her seven year journey, and how growing a brand in 2022 is different than 2015. She shares so many gems in this interview. One thing that stood out to me was how she decides which things/events to invest in. Shaneika is extremely resilient and after hearing her story her I felt inspired. She even answered all the reader questions you guys asked. I know her brand will continue to thrive and blossom. I can’t wait to see all that she has in store come to fruition. I hope this interview inspires you and gives you the push you need to keep going.

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